Friday, May 29, 2015

A Successful Journey is an Informed Journey

The key to having success in your weight loss journey with bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks is committing to the portion control that the procedures encourage. Yet, any successful journey must begin with the patient taking time to get informed about their options, and the results that each of these options may bring. At University Bariatrics, we hold regular Bariatric Surgery Information Seminars that are crucial in educating patients about what to expect from their procedure, and the steps needed to make it a success. Our current seminar schedule is as follows:

June: 3rd and 10th
July: 8th, 14th, 22nd, 28th
August: 5th, 11th, 19th, 25th
Sept: 2nd, 8th, 16th, 22nd, 30th

If you want to learn more about a sleeve gastrectomy or many of the other amazing procedures performed by Dr. Amir Mehran at University Bariatrics, you can attend one of these seminars or call us at (805) 379-9796. Dr. Mehran has long been one of the strongest advocates for performing the sleeve gastrectomy procedure, and his years of experience position him ahead of the pack when it comes to success with the procedure.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Right Surgeon Can Make All the Difference

Nationwide, bariatric surgery has been proven to be a relatively safe and effective way to help patients overcome the burden of obesity. Yet, although the benefits of bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks far outweigh the risks for most patients, it is still important to try to minimize any possible risks. One of the best ways to do that is have your surgery with an experienced doctor like Dr. Amir Mehran at University Bariatrics. Dr. Mehran is known as a doctor who does everything he can before, during, and after a procedure to ensure that his patients have the best chance at a clean bill of health.

Before the procedure, Dr. Mehran often recommends that patients lose a small portion of their weight to facilitate a safer surgery. Patients can achieve this pre-surgical weight loss by following the nutritional plan Dr. Mehran recommends leading up to surgery. Dr. Mehran’s ability to maximize patient safety during surgery speaks for itself with his years of experience as a leading surgeon in the Greater Los Angeles area. And, once the sleeve gastrectomy is over and the real weight loss journey has begun, Dr. Mehran and his staff guide patients through the best diet practices to ensure they get all the proper nutrients they need while losing weight. At University Bariatrics, every member of our team works together to ensure patient success.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Follow Scientific Consensus, Not Miracle Cures

After TV personality Dr. Oz recently came out and apologized for pushing supposed “miracle cures” that actually had no scientific basis in their ability to deliver results, it’s important to remember that there is no magic solution to obesity. On the other hand, weight loss surgery has gained tremendous scientific consensus for its ability to help committed patients lose weight, while having minimal negative complications. In fact, procedures like the sleeve gastrectomy are considered to be as safe as common procedures such as an appendectomy.

While some doctors, even some that offer bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks, are focused on pushing the latest trends and fad procedures, Dr. Amir Mehran only recommends the most tested, safe, and effective procedures for his patients. At University Bariatrics, we guide each patient down the path that is truly right for them, and will never misrepresent the facts of a procedure just to make a quick buck. The long term success of our patients is paramount to us, and that mindset is one of the reasons why so many of our patients succeed at losing their excess weight.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cut Calories, Not Nutrition

When many people are losing weight after having bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks, they assume that the fat that they burn makes up for the lack of food that they take in. While this is true in regards to energy, there are valuable nutrients in food other than the calories themselves that our body needs to stay healthy. Therefore, many patients experience a nutrient deficiency after weight loss surgery. But, with Dr. Amir Mehran and the rest of the University Bariatrics team by your side to recommend all of the proper nutrient supplements you need to stay healthy, you can lose the weight while maintaining proper nutrient health.

With a sleeve gastrectomy under the care of Dr. Mehran, patients can begin their journey towards a healthier weight without being bogged down by the worry that they will not get the nutrients they need. While it is true that, like other aspects of being successful with weight loss surgery, maintaining proper nutrition requires willpower on the part of the patient, success is by no means out of reach, especially with the help of University Bariatrics.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Commit to Success, Not a Single Procedure

The key to being successful after having bariatric surgery is committing yourself 100 percent towards the goal of losing weight. Many people who initially got a Lap Band confuse this advice to mean that they should stick with the Lap Band, no matter what. The reality that many weight loss surgeons do not like to admit is that the Lap Band far too often causes problems for patients down the line, in addition to the fact that it does not help patients lose weight as quickly as those patients who opt for a procedure such as the sleeve gastrectomy. Luckily, Dr. Amir Mehran at University Bariatrics is an expert at performing band to sleeve revision procedures that allow patients to keep going on their weight loss journey, but with a more effective procedure.

Your long term health is far too important to give up on your weight loss journey. For any patient looking for a surgeon who is skilled and knowledgeable about revision bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks, they should look no further than Dr. Mehran and the rest of our dedicated team at University Bariatrics.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Exercise and Diet Equation

Since issues of obesity and weight loss are part and parcel of what we do here at University Bariatrics, we spend a lot of time discussing the two ends of the energy equation. Specifically, that means the amount of energy, i.e., calories, we take in as food and the amount we expend through various forms of physical activity. While far from everything is known about why and how we gain weight, this equation is clearly central to our weight and overall health.

At the same time, however, a debate has been going on in medical circles about which part of the energy equation matters most when it comes to obesity. On the one hand, the many health benefits of exercise are extremely well documented -- people who exercise definitely suffer from fewer ill effects of excess weight. On the other hand, many individuals on a fairly intense exercise regime may still find themselves very overweight or even very obese. Apparently for most people, it's a lot easier to increase exercise than it is to decrease our food consumption.

Fortunately, such procedures as sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass have been proven effective many times over in terms of helping individuals fight the intense hunger-like feelings that make sustaining a major weight loss over the long term so difficult for the vast majority of individuals. If you've been exercising, perhaps feeling better, but are still facing the very real dangers of severe obesity, then it's possible that bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks may be worth exploring. Give us a call any time at 805-379-9796.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Hunger Cravings Can Trump Even the Best Weight Loss Tips

One Google search for “weight loss tips” will yield thousands of tips written by everyone from doctors to bloggers advocating for one way or another as the best way to lose weight. And, while some of these tips may be helpful, the true way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you burn in a single day. The key to succeeding in this is portion control. The only problem is that throughout the day our hunger cravings are often much stronger than our willpower, making it especially difficult to lose weight.

But now, thanks to advanced weight loss procedures like the sleeve gastrectomy, obese patients are able to feel satisfied and free of cravings by eating a much smaller amount of food. While weight loss surgery with University Bariatrics still requires discipline on the part of the patient, this discipline is much easier to achieve and maintain.

And, when you have made the decision to undergo weight loss surgery, you always want to make sure you have the very best surgeon like Dr. Mehran performing your bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Dangers of Diet Pills

At University Bariatrics we’ve long warned of the dangers of “quick fixes” when it comes to weight loss. No matter what the new fad you hear about, the truth is that weight loss only occurs as the result of hard work and effort. Particularly for those suffering with severe obesity, weight loss is particularly challenging because traditional methods like diet and exercise are ineffective 99% of the time. Nevertheless, alternative “tricks” and “hacks” continue to dominate headlines, perhaps none more so than diet pills. 

First and foremost, what everyone should understand about diet pills is that they just don’t work. Medical science consistently backs up the fact that weight loss pills will not result in any actual weight loss on their own. To make matters worse, recent reports indicate that many common weight loss pills can actual result in serious side effects. Some pills contain fenfluramine which has been banned in many places due to its association with negative effects on the heart and lung. Sibutramine is another common ingredient which has been linked to heart attack and stroke. Considering the reality that weight loss pills don’t work anyway, we feel it’s clearly not worth these risks. For patients suffering from severe obesity, a sleeve gastrectomy performed by an experienced professional is a much better choice. As a popular center for bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks our team is proud to provide the outstanding treatments our patients need. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Use it or Lose It!

The phrase "use it or lose it" is one that is usually associated with physical exercise. However, here at University Bariatrics, we have found a new meaning when it comes to patients who have the Lap Band or one of the other banding procedures. We recommend against these procedures because they have a lower rate of success than other procedures, can result in a number of unpleasant complications, and typically require in follow-up operations. At the same time, however, we also acknowledge that a significant minority of patients do respond well to banding procedures. Hence, our "Use it Or Lose It' campaign.

Basically, our goal is to remind patients who are having success with their bands to "use it," i.e., keep on taking the steps that will be necessary for success. These include carefully following all of their doctor's instructions and receiving all of the needed adjustments for their band.  However, for those who are experiencing a marked lack of success of complications, then our advise it to "lose it" and, ideally, replace it with either a sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass, depending on which is called for.

The important thing for weight loss patients is to make sure they are taking the steps needed to ensure their long term health. Whether you are interested in obtaining an initial bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks or would like to discuss whether it's time to "use" or "lose" your banding procedure, we're here to help. For details, check out the video below.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Weight-Surgery Can Improve Symptoms of Asthma

Here at University Bariatrics, our highly trained surgical team is dedicated to providing the very best weight loss solutions like sleeve gastrectomy in Westlake Village for patients struggling with severe obesity. Because traditional methods such as diet and exercise are rarely effective for producing the necessary results for severely obese individuals to ward off the serious associated health consequences such as heart attack, stroke, and obesity, our techniques are proven to be safe and able to consistently yield positive results. Many of these positive results include benefits that are continuing to be unveiled by new studies. One such benefit is the possible reduction in asthma symptoms. 

According to new research, asthma flare-ups can decrease due to the reduction of chemicals called interleukins that are released from excess fat cells. As severely obese individuals are able to lose weight through weight loss surgery their asthma symptoms may also improve. Such benefits may be surprising, however they pale in comparison toward improving the quality of life and avoiding deadly health conditions. If you or someone you know is ready to take a step toward a healthier lifestyle, contract our team today to find out if the bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks is right for you. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

No Quick Fixes for Severe Obesity

The bariatric procedures we perform at University Bariatrics like the sleeve gastrectomy are important procedures because they allow an individual suffering from severe obesity to have a clear path forward toward a healthy weight. While diet and exercise often work for someone who needs to lose a few pounds, for a severe obesity individual, losing 50, 100, or more pounds is more than a matter of willpower. Nevertheless, there is a common misconception that weight loss surgery is the “easy way you”

At University Bariatrics, our highly experienced team is here to tell you that that’s simply not true. Bariatric surgery has risen out of a need to improve a patient’s quality of life. For patents, suffering from severe obesity, weight loss surgery is the best way to do it. Still, bariatric surgery in Thousand Oaks or anywhere, is still surgery, and will involve a lengthy recovery period. In addition, a patient will have to change their diet and stick to a healthier lifestyle.  Weight loss surgery is definitely safe and effective, but, to put it simply: it’s far from easy. It’s simply the best.