University Bariatrics, we hear every day about all the ways our patients have attempted to lose weight. Of course, by the time a patient is thinking about a weight loss procedure, they typically have attempted to lose weight countless times by dieting and/or exercise with no positive permanent results. However, the weight loss procedure such as a lap band,
sleeve gastrectomy, or gastric bypass is actually not there to replace caloric restriction and increased physical activity. It's there to make weight loss efforts more successful by significantly reducing a patient's appetite.

Naturally, then, we've been watching with some interest and amusement the phenomenon discussed in today's
US News and World Report discussing sites that allow individuals to place bests with other overweight people on their weight loss. Anyone who's ever played poker or visited Las Vegas knows that, for many of us at least, the feeling of winning and losing money is extremely powerful and might be a truly excellent motivator.
Of course, we suspect the message boards and other social aspects of these sites may ultimately be more useful than the actual betting. That's because weight loss, with or without a cash bet or a far more powerful aid like bariatric surgery, is a lifelong process. Bonding with others confronting the same issues is a proven way of helping people achieve all kinds of goals. Making new friends is always a good thing, also.
Still, for many of us suffering from severe cases of obesity, a physical boost is needed to combat the pangs of appetite that make long term weight loss so difficult, and such procedures as a gastric sleeve or an
adjustable band in Thousand Oaks might be the best answer for many. If you or a loved one is struggling with a serious weight problem, we're here to help. Just call (805) 379-9796 or visit our website
contact page for more information.
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